Friday, February 14, 2014

Loving Bodhisatvas

thanks to my friend, Zen Lam;


For Buddha's birthday
she invited me for a three day voyage
to visit three temples with her teacher, Thay
staying overnight in monasteries.

Deeply compassionate as a listener
and irresistibly loving,
Thay is also very playful and funny;
I love him.

Although wonderful surprises abounded in all three temple complexes

                   such as Arjuna as an early Buddha being guided out of the woods at Tay Tien

       and dawn fog lifting around a very high mountaintop Buddha on his birthday, at Yen Tu,

             my favorite monastery is Ha Long


         overlooking the famously endless bay
                                full of spirit rock islands:

          This is the view from the living room
                      for fortunate guests
                                above the monastery

                                      where Thay likes to visit
                                              talk to the abbess and do his email..


                                          Painting visitors
                                             together with the view from there

                                          I made a panoramic scroll of the view.

                                          Thay painted the lotus bud on the temple roof below


which is interesting

back in his monastery in HaNoi
       set in the center
             of the floor of zen mats


                                             up above the hall of Buddhist teachings


                                               right in the middle of the upper room


                                           where the original teachers of Viet Nam reside

                                           is a case of aspirations:


Long before Franklin, Leyden,
Edison, Tesla and Reich,
the study of lightning rods
and enlightening energies
were viewed as closer together
than they are now:


Could proof of this
be in blinking, illuminated
past finials?

Come investigate.

In the meantime
here's a link
for a two minute film
of the long weekend
on You Tube:

with love
and hugs
to all